Great take, peppered with humor as usual — thanks for writing 🙏🏽

Thanks for the Afridigest mention too. I'll just clarify that those are specifically fintech M&A deals as seen in the Fintech Database: https://afridigest.substack.com/p/fintech-database-h1-2023

(The analysis holds true for other sectors too, but the number of announced exits is obviously larger.)

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Great article Ngozi and thanks for raising this discussion.

Lol @ your feedback on the announced South African exits. Perhaps it is perceptions like these locally in Nigeria that also influence the lack of detail in announcements.

Do you have any advice for founders who face situations around the 4 reasons you suspect, so that they can actually disclose deal numbers?

PS: I suspect reasons 2 and 3 will rank very high. Pride and Uncle Sam (or is it Uncle BAT?) are big motivators.

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Valuable perspective and I agree that the lack of transparency with Exits is problematic. While it's fine to expect the press to dig deeper, would you think the institutional backers and super angels who invested in said startups are also in the dark as to the exit details?

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