This got me - "My humble opinion research".

Time will tell how this consortium will pun out and the combined strategy that paystack and piggyvest pull off.

I didn't know Carbon had an SME product , I will have a look at that too.

Similarly in Kenya, I am seeing a shift in focus for SME type from the consumer lending approach that was there a while back. The players here that have shifted Branch , Shara and new market entrant Umba.

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I think in Kenya the big opportunity is SME - was always surprised at the SME offerings the banks provided and if we had stayed in Kenya that would have been Carbon's focus.

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I am back to the credit space and in my view there is still room for more players.

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Uhmmmm, how does this benefit the likes of Paystack and Piggyvest? Paystack could easily target that market - SMEs. I am confused here.

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In our markets, there is a significant overlap between consumer and SME. So if you have large consumer base, you can probably build a decent SME business and lock in your customerbase. As an SME asset manager, you will also get more substantial investments. This is the Piggyvest rationale. For Paystack, lending to merchants whose data/transactions you already know will provide delicious fee income especially as interchange fees trend to zero

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Ngozi

"My humble opinion research" got me 😂👌🏽

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